We’re On A Mission: Help Us
Secure the Future of Kids & Adults with Autism
In honor of over 25 years of transforming the
lives of children with autism, help us safeguard
and expand our program for the next 25 years!
Our Sustainability Campaign will help kids & adults with autism...
- Learn necessary life-skills focused on independence
- Provide safe, supported adult living conditions
- Learn how to gain and maintain viable careers
- Obtain safe working environments
- Secure their education throughout the year
- Have a stable support system of ABA Professionals
- Give back to the community!
17,000+ Autistic Adults are at-risk & waiting for housing in NJ
Over 1 million people with ASD will age out of school-based services*
80% struggle with mental health issues, leaving them 9x more likely to commit suicide***
Over 50% will remain unemployed and un-enrolled in higher education**
SHLI Tuition covers only 75% of the cost to educate students
*over the next decade. | **in the 2 years following high school | ***than typically developing peers.
We are determined to provide safe, life-changing programs. Help ensure Somerset Hills Learning Institutes:
Give to the Sustainability Campaign
Provide Adult Day Programs
Help us serve adults with autism where we will focus on life and leisure skills and career training and placement.
**Please note that we will not accept payment toward pledges to the Adult Day Program until: a) We receive $3.5 Million in Adult Day Program Pledges; b) our Hydroponics business is operating at 50% capacity; c) all documents required for group home application to DDD are ready for submission. When we meet these criteria, we will contact you to initiate the reimbursement plan you choose below within 30 days of our contact.
Need: $
Need: $
Help Sustain Our Capital Improvement Needs
Capital Improvements to provide essential maintenance of our program’s headquarters and the site of the Future Group Home.
Provide Revenue Security & Fundraising Relief
Revenue Security Fund for our education program to ensure the core business can act with flexibility and nimbleness in the face opportunity while reducing our dependence on Annual Fundraising Events
Need: $
They really care about what they do and it makes us feel so at home here. It just gives our family hope for the future because I’ve seen what this program can do.
- Juliet Little, Logan’s Mom
Somerset Hills have changed our life. It’s changed Matthews life. We would be absolutely lost without the institute. I can’t describe what they’ve done for us. A level of partnership and support I’ve never experienced.
- Karen Schlenker, Matty’s Mom
Now that we have the institute, Liam has the opportunity to be himself. to be Liam. He is able to socialize, expressing himself and becoming more and more independent each day.
- Luzel & Edgar Felix , Liam’s Parents
Called to do more?
Partner with our Campaign: On the Shoulders of Giants
Become a mission investor by including the Institute in your estate plans or by participating in our 25th Anniversary Sustainability Campaign at the “Lifetime Friends ($50,000)” level or higher. Your legacy commitments ensure Somerset Hills Learning Institute remains financially viable to do more for more families affected by autism for generations to come.
Membership Recognition
Members of the On the Shoulders of Giants are recognized through:
- Prominent placement on our Reception Hall Supporters Tree
- Be printed within Special SHLI Publications
- Have name/logo listed in the annual report
- Free ticket for Member + Guest
25th Anniversary Celebration
(June 2nd 2024) -
Golf Outing’s Dinner reception
(June 3rd 2024) -
Celebration of Student Success & Graduation Ceremony
(June 13th 2024) -
Halloween Ball
(October 25, 2024)